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Expressions of Interest now open...

TOURISM NOOSA is excited to present a great opportunity for business leaders in the Noosa region with our Noosa Resilient Leadership Program for 2021.


Expressions of interest are now open for 20 business leaders across the tourism and business sectors to join us for this program from September to November.


The program includes:


  • 2 x Resilient Leadership full day workshops

  • 2 x one-on-one coaching sessions building on the leadership workshops

  • 1 x Boosting My Business Resilience Workshop (a chance to work with other businesses to help you create a Resilient Business Implementation Plan)

  • 1 x one-on-one coaching Business Health check

  • Networking event to connect with other businesses that are part of the program.


After facing constant challenges since 2019 with bushfires and COVID-19 impacts, businesses will build skills through an integrated learning, coaching and mentoring process. They will develop resilience to be able to cope with the unexpected and be capable of coming out the other side with their business surviving. This will help make our community more resilient in the face of adverse events and disasters.


The heavily subsidised cost is $150 per person (valued at $2750 each).


Find out more about the program and complete the expression of interest form by Wednesday 8 September at


The Institute for Tourism Leadership Australia will deliver the program secured in a successful grant application by Tourism Noosa under the Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, through the Community Development program.

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